Public Participation Plan
The Public Participation Plan’s (PPP) main objective is to establish a framework of engagement that enables the public to access factual information, ask questions, make comments and develop a clear understanding of the process for renewing the environmental permits that regulate the Village of Maybrook’s Wastewater Treatment Plant. The Village welcomes this opportunity to engage with the public answer questions and provide a factual basis by which the community may accurately assess the operations of the facility and these applications. In collaboration with the DEC, the Village will actively seek participation throughout the review process. The Village will publish the full public participation plan upon approval by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation.
Commencement of Operation of Seasonal Effluent Disinfection for Maybrook Wastewater Treatment Plant
Fact Sheet
What is the Proposed Project? The Proposed Project will install effluent disinfection in the Village of Maybrook Wastewater Treatment Plant, located at 978 Homestead Avenue (NYS Route 208), Maybrook, NY 12543 (across from the intersection with Aristotle Drive). To accommodate this, the wastewater treatment plant will be reconfigured from the existing conditions, and a structure will be added to house ultraviolet lamp modules, support racks, and miscellaneous controls will be installed. A Public Participation Plan has been developed in accordance with NYSDEC Commissioner Policy 29, Environmental Justice and Permitting (CP-29). The purpose of this fact sheet is to inform the public about the project and to involve the community during the SPDES permit application review process.
Why does the Village need to install effluent disinfection? The Village of Maybrook received a renewed Individual State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) permit [NY0023272] on November 1, 2018 for its wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). The new SPDES permit limit was increased, and permits the discharge of up to 0.6 million gallons per day (MGD) to Wetland MB-4, which is tributary to the Otter Kill. As part of the SPDES permit modification, the Village is required to commence operation of seasonal effluent disinfection.
When is the Proposed Project intended to occur? The project’s original Schedule of Compliance outlining several compliance milestones including: (1) submission an engineering report by May 1, 2020; (2) submission of engineering plans by May 1, 2021; (3) commencement of construction by May 1, 2022; and (4) commencement of effluent disinfection by May 1, 2023. The Village completed and submitted the engineering report in August 2020. In response to New York State Environmental Facilitates Corporation (NYSEFC) comments the Village revised and resubmitted the engineering report in June 2021. The Village has requested an interim extension period from the New York State Department of Conservation (NYSDEC) to implement the upgrade, and construction is scheduled to be completed in 2024, with the system commencing operation on May 1, 2024 to comply with the final effluent limitations for Fecal Coliform and Total Residual Chlorine.
How might the Proposed Project affect the surrounding community? Community impacts will be temporary in nature and all related to construction. The Village will require its contractors to control all dust, noise and vibration during the construction period, and will be available to answer all questions for any issues related to this project. Sewer service interruptions are not anticipated, but if they become necessary, advance notice will be provided to all affected homeowners.
How can I participate in the permit review process? Comments may be provided in writing, or by calling the Village contacts below for information on meetings, comment period dates, and submitting any oral comments.
Where can I get more information about the proposed expansion?
- Contact Mayor Dennis K. Leahy: Phone at (845) 427-2717, email
- Contact Village Engineer Sean Hoffman: Email
- Visit the repository at: Village Hall, 111 Schipps Lane, Maybrook, New York or George C. Bullis Community Center, 101 Main Street, Maybrook, New York
Who is responsible for reviewing the Permit Application? NYSDEC Region 3 Headquarters, 21 South Putt Corners Road, New Paltz, New York 12561, is responsible for reviewing and issuing the required permits. Tel: (845) 224-2328; email:
Transcript, Village of Maybrook PPP, 3-27-24
Public Participation Plan, Maybrook, final