What is 4-H?
“To Make The Best Better”
4‑H programs are grounded in the belief that kids learn best by doing. Kids complete hands-on projects in areas like science, health, agriculture and citizenship, in a positive environment where they receive guidance from adult mentors and are encouraged to take on proactive leadership roles. Kids can concentrate on one focus area or they can try a variety of programs throughout their 4‑H experience.
Regardless of the project area, all 4‑H programs include mentoring and career readiness as core elements.
There are general interest clubs that do all different projects, from woodworking, cooking and animal sciences. There are programs you can do individually in cooking, sewing, stem, nature explorers, teen leaders, dairy cow or goat programs, various animal programs (poultry, goat, horse, dog, dairy, sheep and more)
If you would like more information please contact 4-H at 845-344-1234.